Amendment of the Constitution [Polity for UPSC]
-> Amendment means modification
> Addition
> Deletion
> Modification
-> Part XX, Article 368
-> Parliament has the sole authority to amend the constitution
-> Concept taken from South Africa
-> Article 368 provides for 2 types of amendments
> By special majority
> By special majority + consent of atleast half the state by simple majority
-> Amendment with simple majority is mentioned outside the purview of Article 368
-> Simple majority - 50% of the members present and voting
-> Special majority - Majority of 2/3rd members present & voting + more than 50% of the total strength
-> Parliament + State - special majority of the Parliament + Ratification by at least half the states legislatures
1. Introduction of the Bill – Bill for amendment can be introduced- in either house (Lok Sabha orRajya Sabha)
2. Who can introduce it? - minister or private member
3. Prior permission of the President is not needed
4. The bill must be passed by a special majority
5. Each house must pass the bill separately. No provision exists for Joint sitting in case of disagreement between the 2 houses.
6. For amending the federal provisions the bill also needs "half" of the states with legislative assemblies to ratify with ‘simple majority’.
7. President must give his assent to the bill
(a) Simple Majority
-> Admission of new states – Article 2
-> Creation of new states – Article 3
-> Creation or abolition of state legislative council Article 169
-> Quorum in the Parliament – Article 100
-> Rules of procedures of Parliament
-> Salaries and allowances of the members of the Parliament
-> Use of English language in the Parliament
-> Use of official language
-> Citizenship
-> 5th Schedule and 6th Schedule
(b) Special Majority
-> Fundamental Rights
-> All provisions not covered by:
> simple majority and
> special majority of Parliament + states
(c) Special Majority & consent of States
-> Election of the President and its manner
-> Extent of the executive powers of the union and the states
-> Supreme and high courts
-> Distribution of legislative powers between the union and the states
-> Extension of reservation for SC, ST and Anglo-Indians in the Parliament and the state legislatures
-> Representation of states in the Parliament
-> Power of the Parliament to amend the Constitution and its procedure (Art. 368 itself)
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